About Us
A Brief History of Bethany Christian Fellowship

The assembly, Bethany Christian Fellowship dates back to 1915 and began in a home of four families, influenced by an immigrant from Switzerland who had moved into the area.

In the early 1920's the small group moved into a storefront building in the northern part of Indianapolis for a meeting place. The small assembly grew in numbers, some moved from New York and others from the exclusive meetings in Indianapolis. Later a new chapel building was constructed in the northeast side of Indianapolis.

Down through the years, God has seen fit to keep the lampstand burning, some moved away, others were saved and gathered with the saints. The assembly was proud to have commended three full time workers to the mission fields.

Today we continue to meet together as a local church for worship, prayer and bible study to serve God and the community around us. We also are active in Sunday school and spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We come from various nationalities and walks of life and firmly believe in extending the love of our Lord Jesus Christ to others.

For those who are believers, we encourage spiritual development and growth through our Family Bible Hour and at our mid-week Bible Study.

For the non-believer we desire to provide a warm and spiritual atmosphere in the gospel in which one can find eternal and lasting peace through faith in Jesus Christ.

We place great value on families. The future of children is vitally important to us; we strive to supply relevant moral training and spiritual guidance for young people.

If you or your family are in the area, stop in to see us. We would like to meet you and get to know you better.

  What We Believe

We believe that the Bible is the verbally inspired Word of God, absolutely authoritative and infallible.

We believe that there is only one true God, eternally existent in three Persons--God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

We believe in the following about our Lord Jesus Christ: His deity; His creating all things; His virgin birth; His sinless life and nature; His miracles; His atoning death through His shed blood; His bodily resurrection; His present exaltation at the Father's right hand in heaven; His headship of the Church; His soon return to the air to receive His bride to Himself, called the rapture; and His second coming to the earth seven years later to set up His millennial kingdom of power and glory, bringing peace and blessing to the whole world.

We believe in the fall and total depravity of man, making new birth necessary for reconciliation to God.

We believe that the salvation of lost, sinful man is only possible through repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ on the basis of His death and resurrection, totally apart from our merit or works of any kind.

We believe that all who repent of their sins, personally trusting the Lord Jesus as Saviour are: eternally saved; forgiven of all their sins; indwelled and placed into the body of Christ, which is the Church; children of God; a new creation in Christ with a new nature; holy priests to offer up spiritual sacrifices to God and royal priests to minister to man.

We believe that all believers should live lives of devotion for Christ, separated from the world, gathering unto the Name and Person of Christ for worship, prayer, study and ministry of the Word of God, spreading the gospel at every opportunity and waiting expectantly for the coming of Christ, which is their blessed hope.

God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints, and to be held in reverence by all those around Him. Psalm 89:7